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It Is About What You Leave Out

Dec 05, 2023

I understand there can be so much pressure you can place on yourself to ‘prove’ to others you know your stuff, you are experienced, you are a subject matter expert who knows your content inside out. I have been there many times during my career and had to learn and realised, to demonstrate I know my work well, it is about what I leave out.


When you take a step (or two) back to understand your audience and where they are right now, it may help you decide what information to share with them and what to leave out.

This means:

  • that you give your audience time to process what you are saying,
  • you do not overwhelm them with too much information,
  • you do not confuse yourself or forget your place when speaking,
  • you avoid confusion for with you or your audience.



To help you get started:

Step One: Who are you speaking with and what do they want to know?  If it more than one, seek out the one thing that can help them where they are at right now.

Step Two: What is the one message that answers step one? Leave out what may help in addition to, focus on that one message.

Step Three: Leave out any information that does not help you deliver that one message or support that one message.


Many times to be a great subject matter expert, it is about leaving out the information that is irrelevant or not valuable for the person you are speaking to right now. To help you decide, ask yourself, "will this piece of information help them move forward in their journey today?"

All the best, Susan.

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