Communication Training and Coaching For Career Changes So You Can Live Your Business Lifestyle Dream

With the courage to Speak Afraid to move forward

Get curious about the importance, impact and usage of these communication skills for your job

eBook - 10 Communication Skills Examples for Corporate Business Leaders and Solopreneurs: In the important journey for meaningful impact, connection, and results. 

Career Confidence 

Hello, I am Susan. I have experienced the power of using your authentic communication skills to achieve career goals and navigate change. It has helped me prosper in many industries and grow as an individual.

As you grow in your career and experiences, your communications skills needs to grow with you. If you are striving for a career goal or to realise your business lifestyle you are dreaming about, adapting and developing your communication skills is key to move forward your way.

My business Blossoming Speaker, is designed to support solopreneurs and corporate business leaders achieve career confidence through communication.

Support for different stages of your journey

10 Communication Skills Examples For Corporate Business Leaders and Solopreneurs Blossoming Speaker Speaking Afraid Susan Paczkowski Communication Skills Solopreneur Career
Want to be a Solopreneur?

Start here to discover communication differences between a corporate business leader and a solopreneur.

Download free eBook
Solopreneur Communication Hub Business Owner Blossoming Speaker Speaking Afraid Susan Paczkowski Communication Skills Solopreneur Career
Solopreneur Communication Hub

For relevance and connection with peers, with support toward your business lifestyle dream.

Thrive as a Solopreneur

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What Accent? Tips For Speaking With And Listening To Accents

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Stop Procrastinating. Use My Communication Starter Prompts.

Jun 15, 2024

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