Connection, authenticity, presence and clarity. That is what I believe we all have when we use our public speaking skills.


But sometimes we need a reminder or a little guidance on how to find and use our public speaking spark so we can accomplish our goals. That is where I and Blossoming Speaker come in.


Hello, I am Susan. I have experienced the power of using your authentic public speaking skills to achieve career goals and navigate change. It has helped me prosper in many industries and grow as an individual. Through formal training, winning competitions, coaching, and over three decades of career experience across sales, marketing and customer success, across a diverse range of cultures, I have gained a rich resource of experience, know-how and an ongoing passion and curiosity to continually learn as much as I can about the art of public speaking and making that super power your own.

So after many taps on my shoulder and receiving questions from people asking me for help and tips on public speaking, I created Blossoming Speaker, a place where I specialise in helping business owners and people undergoing career transitions, navigate changes and move forward to their career goals by adapting and expanding their public speaking skills so they can thrive in what they do.

Dedicated to providing public speaking coaching designed to you so you can use these skills to achieve your business goals and thrive in the process.


Presentations | Workshops | Webinars

If you want impact, presence, to connect with your audience and move your needle forward in a goal you have, you need a solid framework that guides you through the WHOLE process. 

Understanding your audience, environment, what to say and how to say it, is - in my experience - half of the preparation you need to do. Yes it gets the job done but what about the moments where you need to make your presentation, workshop or webinar really count? 

How can I make my presentations, workshops and webinars count?

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