Are public speaking classes required for college Blossoming Speaker Podcast, Growth Group, Public Speaking, Networking, Presentations, Skills, Nerves, Large Audience, online business owner, entrepreneur

Are public speaking classes required in college?

Nov 21, 2023

College or university programs are designed to help you succeed in the industry you wish to work in. Considering most roles in any industries require you to speak to others to get your work done be it on a stage, in a meeting, at an interview or at a workshop, more and more colleges/universities will incorporate practicing public speaking in what they offer. It may be an actual subject required to be taken or incorporated as a class assignment.

In college or university there are a few areas where some public speaking training may help you:

  • Asked to deliver a business presentation,
  • Presenting results of a group assignment to your class,
  • Requested to deliver a prepared speech on a topic,
  • Asked to make a sales pitch as part of a class project,
  • How best to ask questions or participate in a class discussion,
  • Networking – many new people to meet in class as well as any social or sporting groups you decide to be part of,
  • Leading a group project, helping you to communicate clearly to your team while engaging and motivating them,
  • Teaching assignments, where you are required to teach a subject to a group of students.

Another perspective is college/university is a great training ground to practice, refine and transform your public speaking, presentation and communication skills. All preparing you to venture out into your new career, to use what you learnt and be ready for whatever your next stage of your journey will offer you, like your boss asking you 10 minutes before a meeting to present a status update on the project you are working on.

Due to many college/university programs offering you a place to practice your public speaking skills you can learn as you go by just doing it, and learning from peers or watching a few TikTok or YouTube clips before you present. In my experience it can be done and sometimes you may get good grades from it. 

Or you may invest in public speaking class or joining a membership focused on presentation skills, then incorporating what you learn there with how you present, speak and connect with others during your college years. This method may help you fast track your communication skills development and shine not only in college or university, but in your professional work to. 

Even if you have a casual job somewhere while studying, you will need to speak to people there so why not use it as a pace you practice your public speaking skills learned from a class, socials or a membership.

To help you decide, please consider these questions:

  • What type of experience do you want?
  • Is there a goal you want to achieve and will public speaking class help you achieve that?
  • Do you want to create a training space for you to discover what kind of public speaker you can be?
  • How in demand are public speaking, presentation and communication skills in the industry you want to work in?
  • Will applying what you learn from a public speaking class give you competitive edge?
  • Will a public speaking class help you overcome any fear toward speaking in front of others or help you become more confident?

College is a great platform to develop and practice your public speaking skills. In any career you decide to have, you are highly likely to speak with others to get your work done. You can learn public speaking skills in college as you go or you can invest in classes to help you fast track results. It is up to you and the the experience and result you wish to get. 

All the best, Susan.


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