Are Public Speaking Classes Worth It Blossoming Speaker Susan Paczkowski Presentations Skills Networking Online Business Owners

Are Public Speaking Classes Worth it?

Dec 09, 2023

When deciding if you would like to be part of a public speaking class, receive 1:1 public speaking coaching or self-learn these skills by reading a book or watching online videos, I suggest asking the below questions to help you make a decision:

  • What is it focused on?
  • Will that focus help me reach my goal or help me become the presenter I wish to be?
  • What perspectives does the course creator or teacher offer me? Will it be different from what I already think therefore challenging me to learn something new or a different approach to what I know? Or will it be the same as my existing perspectives on this topic and therefore reinforce where I am and what I think right now?
  • What time can I invest in completing this class? Am I currently over-estimating or underestimating my time estimates and therefore how should I adjust my time so I can realistically commit to this class?
  • How much does it cost? Can I pay for it upfront? Do I need to get a loan or payment plan? Can someone else pay for it or sponsor me like my company or community group?
  • What else do I get when I finish this class? Will it help me get a pay rise, a new job/promotion, meet a personal goal, help better communicate and connect with others hence contribute to better relationships?
  • What can I lose by not doing this class? Will I miss out on an opportunity in my personal or professional life?

These questions, help me decide if I invest in the class today or keep it on my to-do list for the future if that is a better option for me. Sometimes the answers lead me to a different public speaking development option.

In my experience, investing in public speaking classes is an investment that can bring you many returns in different areas of your life. Yes, this is an article written by a public speaking coach and yes it will come across as biased because it is. I received firsthand new roles or projects I wanted, receive pay increases, great mentors, new friends, improved existing relationships, achieved professional goals faster with optimal results, discovered new interests and hobbies, learned different time-saving techniques and more, all by continually improving and using my public speaking skills. 

I know and experienced the dividends that you may get when developing your public speaking skills through classes, 1:1 coaching, and self-learning, and hence I say investing in classes is worth it BUT! I suggest using the questions written above to help you decide if a particular class is worth it to you because there are so many options for you on what is taught and how it is taught. Even Blossoming Speaker public speaking classes continue to change to make sure what is taught continues to be relevant and current.

All the best, Susan.

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